C3ETH Pool

As a community that puts forward the concept of decentralisation, Eastern Town Hall also operates a stake pool or validator node called C3ETH, which stands for Cardano Community Catalyst Eastern Town Hall. The mission is to become one of the stakeholders in the Cardano network dedicated to maintaining and securing the blockchain by staking some ADA assets and involves in the block mining process. Rewards from this activity are shared between the community's treasury and delegators (people or community members whose crypto was used in the process).

The Eastern Town Hall Team is working hard to sustain and grow grassroots Cardano Communities here in the Eastern Hemisphere. We will continue to make available multi-language Cardano resources, hold fortnightly Town Hall meetings and advocate for our communities.

Please support us as we continue expanding our reach to friends and people in the Eastern Hemisphere, spreading the positivity and impacts that could be derived from the development of the Cardano blockchain, especially with Catalyst Project. Please support us by delegating a portion of your ADA to our stake pool C3ETH.

Thank you 😊.

Stake Pool Information

  • Pool Ticker: C3ETH
  • Pool ID: f0a112d12e435e9659f80a41236daf525e08189702a25a7d0876f962
  • Pool View: pool17zs395fwgd0fvk0cpfqjxmd02f0qsxyhq2395lggwmukycj5rqm
  • Margin Cost: 4%
  • Fixed Cost: 340 ADA
  • Pledge: 2,500 ADA

How to delegate and earn rewards? (opens in a new tab)