Fund 7
New SPO Business Opportunities

Fund Size: $250,000 USD paid in Ada

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Campaign Brief

Our SPOs are a most-valuable foundation of Cardano. They have invested in important infrastructure and are establishing important capabilities. This is of high value in the still very much hype-driven general Crypto space. With SPOs, the CARDANO Community can get both: Even more decentralization AND stability and professionalism at the same time.

On this bases, many new ideas and service can emerge, such as

  • Secure and censorship-resilient data storage
  • KYC related service and access hubs
  • Well, for sure many, many more ideas and opportunities

In case of success, I can also see this as a recurring challenge setting, driving and optimising the economic well-being of our SPO's and utilizing all their today's and future capabilities in a most creative way.

Why is it Important?

Being an SPO shall be economically attractive. In addition to this, there are great opportunities for adding new ideas & services

How does success look like?

The overall business model of SPO's can become even more attractive and we can add new features and services for driving decentralization

Key Metrics to measure

  • Number of new business ideas for SPOs
  • Overall SPO-related business-value of such optional new services
  • Impact of essential new services for making the world of Cardano even more decentralized, distributed and censorship resilient