Sidechain Overview
SC_Token and Test ADA

SC_Token and Test ADA

What is SC_Token?

SC_Token(temporary name) is the native token of the Cardano EVM sidechain Testnet. SC_Token can be moved between the main chain (Cardano) and the example EVM sidechain, and SC_Token is required to pay for gas. Test SC_Token carries no real-world value.

What is gas?

Gas refers to the computational cost necessary to successfully conduct a transaction on the sidechain network. This gas is deducted from a small fraction of SC_Token when conducting a transaction, deploying a smart contract, or writing to a smart contract.

How to get SC_Token?

IO Global maintains a faucet (opens in a new tab) for testing purposes. The faucet dispenses test SC_Token that you can use to pay the gas fees on smart contracts that you run on the EVM sidechain testnet. You can claim one test SC_Token every 24 hours. You cannot swap the test SC_Token tokens you claim from the faucet for any other token, nor can you use them to make any purchases.

What is Test Ada?

Test Ada (tAda) is the native token of the dedicated Cardano testnet (separate from the preview and pre-production testing environments). tAda is required to pay for transaction fees conducted on the Cardano testnet. tAD a carries no real world value.

How to get tAda?

IO Global maintains a faucet (opens in a new tab) for testing purposes.