Fund 10
Challenges Setting
SPO Tools and Community Projects

Guiding Questions :

How can we support effective, impactful projects to build and support the SPO ecosystem and community?

Why is it important?

  1. SPO's play a crucial role in the Cardano ecosystem
  2. A Catalyst Challenge would incentivize the building of SPO based Projects on Cardano

What is success?

Kicking off community based solutions to build SPO Tools and Platforms to offer services, events and research

What are the key metrics?

  1. Filling in the gaps defined in the exploration stage of an SPO
  2. Number of SPO Projects actively building on top of Cardano
  3. Solutions to identified issues in the SPO ecosystem
  4. Number of repos on Github using the tooling (monthly increase)
  5. A sense of community and conversations
  6. A safe zone to having people around to talk and connect with
  7. Number of new Cardano SPO related initiatives submitted as proposals in Catalyst

Potential proposals Directions

  • Developing SPO tools
  • Supporting existing tool updates
  • Developing SPO certification standards
  • Developing platforms and marketplaces
  • Developing SPO standards
  • Proposing and actively developing SPO related CIPs
  • Change existing tools to support and adopt new standards
  • Organizing community events with a focus on SPO
  • Providing services that increases communication, coordination and collab between SPO projectc
  • Academic research and analytics on topics related to SPOs or SPO tooling Investigating or developing new use cases for SPO technology