Fund 10
Challenges Setting
Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution

Guiding Questions :

  1. How do we equip and support developers with tools and working infrastructure?
  2. How do we make Cardano their first choice when it comes to building dApps?

Why is it important?

  1. Growing a developer community that is interested buildng on Cardano increases adoption
  2. Creating as many tools and infrastructure as possible attracts developers to start exploring opportunities

What is success?

  1. Accelerated dApp development
  2. Increasing number of open source projects on Cardano

What are the key metrics?

  1. Number of API or developer tools to lower entry barrier for developers
  2. Number of developers actively building
  3. Number of repos on Github using the tooling (monthly increase)
  4. Strong community of developers and proposers
  5. Thriving project collaboration
  6. Increasing number of open source projects

What this challenge is looking for?

  1. What are the tools that we need to prioritize first?
  2. How do we incentivise projects to be open source?
  3. How do we attract developers from outside of the community to participate in Catalyst?
  4. What do developers want?
  5. How do they get it from the Cardano dev ecosystem?
  6. How to motivate devs to grind create a dApp no matter how hard it is?
  7. How to identify needs of enterprise dev managers that motivates them to build out enterprise projects?

Potential proposals Directions

  • Developer productivity : IDE's, scripts to automate processes.
  • Knowledge base & documentation
  • Deployment, testing, and monitoring frameworks
  • Samples, recipes and templates
  • Hackathons
  • DeFi and tokenization
  • Dashboards
  • API's and Oracles
  • Support structures
  • Incentivization structures
  • Collaborative structures