Fund 7
Connecting Japan/日本 Community

Fund Size: $50,000 USD paid in Ada

Campaign page (opens in a new tab) and browse ideas (opens in a new tab) and Git Repository (opens in a new tab) and Git Book (opens in a new tab)

Campaign Brief

The goal of this challenge is to find ways to further engage the Japanese community and to help create ways for the Japanese and English speaking community to connect. Proposers are encouraged to propose in Japanese and the Challenge team will help promote the CA role in the Eastern Town hall or equivalent event.

The budget is set to 50k because the Challenge focuses only on a specific part of the community. There are also projects from Japan which have a broad application and will fit in other challenges. Considering the focus is on community building the budget should be enough to support 2-6 meaningful efforts.

Why is it Important?

There has been an interest in Cardano in Japan from the start and the country has had a progressive stance towards blockchain technology. This makes Japan a likely country to adopt solutions built on top of Cardano. There are already some active community members and SPO's but participation in Catalyst is still relatively low.

Recently an Eastern Town Hall was started by community members and participation in the Japanese breakout room has been among the highest consistently. In the fund 6 challenges there are several proposals coming from the Japanese community as well. With the current momentum a challenge in fund 7 would likely see good participation and can solidify the community.

At the moment most of Ideascale & Catalyst operates in english. This creates a barrier for all non-english communities. If solutions from this challenge prove successful in bridging that gap, they can function as an example for other communities.

Possible directions:

  • Translating key documentation
  • Creating educational content about Cardano & Catalyst in Japanese
  • Organising interpreters for Catalyst events
  • Organising workshops for new members, CA's, SPO's, proposers
  • Setting up community hubs