Fund 6
Catalyst value onboarding

How can we encourage meaningful participation in Project Catalyst from community members in the next two funds?

Fund Size: $75,000 USD paid in Ada

Campaign page (opens in a new tab) and browse ideas (opens in a new tab).

Campaign Brief

The growth of Cardano depends on meaningful participation from proposers, advisors, and voters.

How success looks like

There's a strong funnel to motivate, inform and direct new participants towards providing a contribution that improves Catalyst's ROI.

Key metric to measure

To assess ROI of this challenge we will ask ourselves:

Did we manage to increase meaningful participation from proposers, advisors, and voters?

Out of total number of new participants:

What % active community advisers?

What % watch townhalls?

What % vote?

What % proposes?

What % becomes a referrer?

Guiding questions

  • How can we increase meaningful participation from proposers, advisors, and voters?
  • How do new people learn about Catalyst?
  • How can we provide a central source of constantly updated information in different formats(text, video, p2p)?

Potential directions

  • Education and onboarding through timely YouTube content
  • Better user experience through hardware wallet support, Daedalus/yoroi support ect.
  • Reddit presence offering reliable information.
  • Mentoring programs matching veteran Catalysts and new Catalysts.

Prior Challenges

  1. Fund5: Catalyst value onboarding (opens in a new tab)
  2. Fund4: Catalyst value onboarding (opens in a new tab)