Fund 8

Service Marketplace

Lacking a place to gather skilled people able to supply support services for unskilled proposers and CAs with a reasonable cost.

Catalyst TV - Haskell Book Vietnamese/Japanese Translation

English/Japanese/ Vietnamese subtitle supported Please stop by to give a comment, like and a vote for this proposal in from the Vietnamese community.

Meet the Team:

Mr.Jimmy Le

  • Leader of Vcoincheck project
  • Admin of 2 Vietnamese Cardano facebook Community (helping over 40k followers)
  • Instructor of 2 “how to evaluate a crypto’s project) courses.
  • An Entrepreneur with 3 year experience in the blockchain field.
  • Has a deep knowledge in blockchain technology and blockchain projects.

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Ms.Ha Nguyen

An experienced businessman in e-commerce business, exchanging goods and services on Marketplaces.

  • 5 years of business management experience.
  • Having 2 years of research on blockchain
  • Participated in Catalyst as CA, Proposer.

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Mr.Sang Nguyen

  • Knowledge and experience in community building.
  • 1 year of experience in crypto investment.
  • Working in the stock exchange, forex in real life

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  • Experience in community building and online marketing.
  • Experience in CA, Proposer
  • 5 years of research experience on blockchain ecosystem, especially about the Cardano blockchain ecosystem

Mr.Gia Hy

  • Experience in building a Crypto investment community of 10,000 active members.
  • 2 years of experience in analyzing and evaluating blockchain projects.
  • Experienced CA.

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  • As a CA, Proposer has a lot of experience
  • 5 years of English translation experience.
  • Advanced level of English, currently teaching English at a large English center.
  • 3 years of learning Cardano, evaluating blockchain projects.
  • Currently studying smart contract programming

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Mr.Tony Nguyen

  • 4 years of experience in business financial solutions for banks.
  • 8 years of operating a branch of SeaTech HCM company, software solutions for banking and public finance.
  • 3 years of experience in blockchain and cryptocurrency, research and development of software products on blockchain platform.

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Mr. Vu Do

  • Programming smart contracts.
  • Experienced CA.
  • Having experience in researching about blockchain ecosystem, especially about blockchain ecosystem, Cardano.

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