Fund 8

Impact Finance Regulatory Sandbox

Financial market regulations aim to protect investors but make financing of smaller social and environmental impact investments expensive.

Catalyst TV - Impact Finance Regulatory Sandbox

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Financial market regulations aim to protect investors but make financing of smaller social and environmental impact investments expensive. We need to Research and write a blueprint for creating a regulatory sandbox to experiment with innovative DeFi in social and environmental finance.

Meet the Team:

Alex Sims Associate Professor in the Department of Commercial Law, Auckland University, and an Associate at the UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies (CBT), executive council member of Blockchain NZ. PhD on Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs): Governance, Dispute Resolution and Regulation. Primary research areas are blockchain technology, DAOs, NFTs, the regulation of cryptocurrencies, consumer protection, and legal issues surrounding smart contracts.

Graham Scott Economist, former Secretary to the Treasury Government of NZ, Chairman of NZ Electricity Market Company (EMCO), health funding authorities, and NZ Productivity Commissioner. Public Sector Consultant on government reform, economic policy, and market regulation.

Rochelle Furneaux New Zealand Commercial Intellectual Property and Information Technology lawyer with 25 years experience. Supported social enterprise technology startups through mentoring and as a legal adviser. Past council member of Internet NZ. Co-organiser of Legal Hackers (NZ Chapter).

Robert O'Brien Distributed Systems Software Engineer (Financial Systems) and Entrepreneur. Co-Founded three start-ups in Financial Data Analytics, International Trade Payments, and Impact Investing. Plutus and Atala Prism Pioneer. Co-organiser of the Catalyst Eastern Town Hall, a Cardano Catalyst Community initiative. Co-organiser of Legal Hackers (NZ Chapter).

James Mansell Founder of Social Investment New Zealand, New Zealand Data Commons, experienced board member and/or advisor of New Zealand government agencies for education, housing, biosecurity, Inland Revenue, and primary research centres.

Paul Beattie (Project Management/Marketing): CEO of a remote-first company providing Cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions to New Zealand and Australian medium-sized organisations. Experienced accounting software product manager and marketer.