
  1. Be punctual: Town Hall starts at 9.00 UTC and as co-host on that day, you need to join registered Zoom from at the following link: Zoom link to register to the ETH (opens in a new tab) at least 10 mins before 9:00 UTC to finalize the preparations for your presentation.
  2. Recording: To be able to record your Breakout room onto your computer, we will assign you as a co-host before the rooms open.
  3. Important: As co-host, you are able to close your room when your session is done, but you are also able to close all breakout rooms. Do not “Close All Rooms” when exiting the Zoom call. Please check when leaving to only close your room as we don’t want to disrupt the conversation going on in parallel in the other Breakout rooms.
  4. Embody: Respect your audience, make sure to read the Community Moderation Guidelines (opens in a new tab) beforehand.
  5. Act if needed: As Town Hall co-host, it is up to you to maintain proper communication in your room. If you identify misbehaving participants which do not respect the as mentioned in Community Moderation Guidelines (opens in a new tab), and which disturb the communication, please make use of your “kick participants” right as a co-host.