Fund 8

Cardano Coffee lounge in Vietnam

Need to diversify learning methods and exchange knowledge with experienced devs and Cardanian in Vietnam

Catalyst TV - Cardano Coffee lounge in Vietnam

Host weekly coffee meetings to exchange information about Catalyst, Programming on Cardano in a close and friendly environment.

Please stop by to give a comment, like and a vote for this proposal in from the Vietnamese community.

Meet the Team:

Tien Nguyen Anh

  • Eastern Townhall co-host
  • Deploying many payment systems for major banks, financial institutions, and telecommunications in Vietnam
  • Founder of the VILAI stake pool, computer science experts, working in the Cardano/Crypto space since 2018.

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Hieu Nguyen Van

  • Founder of HADA stake pool, member of Plutus Pioneer Program, Lead Technical Support at many successful startups.

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Mie Tran

  • Eastern Townhall co-host
  • Vietnam Eastern Townhall moderator & Interpreter
  • Cardano Vietnam Catalyst project Telegram co-host
  • Eastern Townhall meeting attended as moderator and translator.

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Quang Pham

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  • Majored in Architectural Design, with working experience in the field of architectural and graphic design. Is the coreteam member participating in the evaluation of projects on the Cardano platform.