Sidechain Overview
Cardano Rtview

Cardano RTView

RTView enables developers, testers, and general users who are running nodes connected to the real cluster to see what is going on, and how the nodes are performing. It gives visibility on: how much memory and CPU is being used, the state of the blockchain, how many blocks have been forged by a particular node, how many transactions have been processed, and so on.

It is a cross-platform tool compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS, and has a web-based user interface so you can use any browser that you want.

The main benefit of RTView is simplicity. It is simple to use; technically there is no installation, you just unpack an archive and run an executable. It is also simple to configure through an interactive dialog and shows particular changes the user should make in the node configuration files. It is also simple to view with any browser.

RTView replaces the LiveView-mode feature in Cardano node (opens in a new tab) and solves any previous LiveView limitations. Following the next release, LiveView will be removed from the node which will make the node much simpler and lighter, in terms of dependencies.

How to set up RTView

To set up RTView follow the installation steps (opens in a new tab) to download, unpack, and run the tool. After you have completed these steps, RTView will launch.