Fund 8

Cardano Hub Indonesia-Video Series

Indonesians prefer simple visual infographics through videos to learn about Cardano in local language - Bahasa Indonesia

Catalyst TV - Cardano Hub Indonesia-Video Series

Provide 6 high quality educational videos and post in Cardano Indonesia's Official YouTube Channel in Indonesian Language Please stop by and congratulate Mr. Dion on his fantastic proposal.

Meet the Team:

Dion Setyotomo

  • Project Manager
  • Business Development Cardano Indonesia Community Manager
  • Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall member
  • Discord admin for Cardano Indonesia Community

LinkedIn (opens in a new tab)

Andreas Sosilo

  • Software Developer
  • Cardano Foundation Ambassador for Indonesia
  • Cardano Indonesia Community Manager
  • Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall Team

LinkedIn (opens in a new tab) Instagram (opens in a new tab)

More Information

This proposal is in direct partnership with the Instagram influencer Cardano Indonesia, a Instagram influencer that focuses on discussing anything and everything Cardano who has amassed a 1,000+ following. Their channel can be found in the following link here (opens in a new tab)

This proposal is supported by the two largest Indonesian SPO's ; SPO Kawanua (with 2,908 Tele members) and SPO Cardanesia (with 923 members) who will act as a source of content output reference and content distribution channel. Their channel can be found in the following links: KawanCardano (opens in a new tab) and cardanesian (opens in a new tab)

This proposal is also supported by the Eastern Town Hall Indonesia community (with 299 Telegram members and 160+ Discord members) who will act as a source of content output reference and content distribution channel. Their channel can be found here (opens in a new tab)

Track the team!

Github (opens in a new tab) Cardano Forum (opens in a new tab) Instagram (opens in a new tab) Telegram - KawanCardano (opens in a new tab) Telegram - Cardanesian (opens in a new tab) Telegram - Eastern Townhall Indonesia (opens in a new tab)